
Student Ombudsman

The Student Ombudsman is a student proposed by the Student Union for a term of one year. His tasks, envisaged by Article 17 of the Law of the Student Union, are to fulfill duties such as:

  • Receive individual complaints from students concerning their rights
  • Discuss the recieved complaints with the competent authorities of the Faculty of Dental Medicine
  • Advise students on how to exercise their rights
  • Can participate in disciplinary proceedings against students in order to protect their rights
  • After the mandate, student ombudsman is obliged to report on his work.
  • The student ombudsman provides help and advice students regarding their rights, but is not their legal representative.
  • All students of the Faculty of Dental Medicine can contact the student ombudsman if they have doubts about the possibility of exercising their rights.

You can contact and arrange a meeting via e-mail:

Student Ombudsman, Ema Herc-
Deputy Ombudsman, Elizabeta Vrkljan-

The Student Union of the University of Rijeka established The Student Ombudsman Office as an main body for the protection of students and their rights. The duty of the Office is to coordinate the student ombudsmens of the University. His goals are to represent and help students whose rights have been violated, and to actively inform students about their rights and how to protect them.

Healthcare support for students

Prim. Nataša Dragaš – Zubalj, MD, univ. spec. sanit. publ., school medicine specialist

Helena Zoretić, bacc. med. techn.


  • Office: Krešimirova 52 a, HR-51000 Rijeka
  • Phone number: 051 358 791

  • Office: Zametska 63 a, HR-51000 Rijeka
  • Mobile phone: 091 203 0716

  • E-mail: and

University Counseling Center

The University Counseling Center provides students and staff of University of Rijeka with different forms of free support and counselling through its Psychological Couseling Office, the Office for Students with Disabilities, and
the Career Office.


Psyhological Counseling

  • Radmile Matejčić 3, HR-51000 Rijeka
  • E-mail:
  • Phone number: 051 265 841, 051 265 842

Office for Students with Disabilities

  • Address: Radmile Matejčić 3, HR-51000 Rijeka
  • E-mail:
  • Phone number: 051 265 844
  • Mobile phone: 095 52 44 585

Coordinator for students with disabilities

The Faculty of Dental Medicine has appointed a Coordinator for students with disabilities. The coordinator’s role is to provide future students with disabilities informations about the possibilities of studying at the Faculty, and to provide information, advice and assistance to students who have enrolled in the Faculty in exercising their rights.

The Coordinator is link between students with disabilities and teachers and administrative staff for the purpose of exercising rights related to the adaptation of classes and exams (help in achieving reasonable adjustments in teaching, adaptation of teaching materials and exam tasks) and other issues related to the rights of students with disabilities.

Students who have enrolled at the Faculty of Dental Medicine in the status of a student with a disability have to contact the Coordinator in order to ensure timely support in their studies in cooperation with the Office for Students with Disabilities of the University of Rijeka.

Coordinator for students with disabilities at Faculty od Dental Medicine

  • Prof. Prim. Nataša Ivančić-Jokić, DMD, PhD


In addition to the Coordinator for students with disabilities at the Faculty, students have the opportunity to contact the Vice Dean of Education and Bussiness affairs at the Faculty and the Office for Students with Disabilities at the University of Rijeka for any questions they may have during their studies.

Vice Dean of Education and Bussiness affairs at Faculty of Dental Medicine

  • Prof. Prim. Miranda Muhvić Urek, DMD, PhD


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